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from movie "Meetings with Remarkable Men" directed by Peter Brook in 1979



Gurdjieff was teaching that we are a product of our habits, reactions and functions, which became automated and this is the reason we are not aware of them anymore. This is why Gurdieff was creating special conditions - as education tools -  in which man was able to recognize to what degree he is a prisoner of these forces. One of these tools were Sacred Dances of Gurdjieff Dances, based on traditional dances that he studied while he was travelling in Asia, India, Tibet, in East and in Africa. There he visited many sufi and indoeuropean orders, as well as budist centres and other sources of traditional culture and teachings.  With the help of these dances, we can achieve being centered, greater awareness and holistic sensation of ourselves. Calm mind, body awareness and deeper experiencing of emotions are doors to sensation of presence of life force and in this way we also become more sensitive to higher dimensions and their influence. The aim of the dances is to awaken more beautiful intelligence, clear thoughts and to get closer to state in which body, emotions and mind are connected with the Presence.  



MiloÅ¡ is an educated forester. Afer finishing his studies, he dedicated his life to personal development. He practiced yoga and then followed his heart to find dance as a way of expression.  He studied practice of Osho Meditations: Dynamic, Kundalini, Natarj, No dimension, Chakra Breathing and Mandala. He researched himself through many reknowned technics of personal development based in dance : Five Rhytms,  Biodanza, Trance Dance, Movement Medicine and Ishmech – dance without form. He fell in love with Sacred Gurdieff Dances more than 15 years ago. Great love is hard to forget that is why he decided to study them profoundly 6 years ago.  . He regularly visits seminars in Germany. He spent 2 years (each year 4 weeks) in Italy to study to become a teacher of Gurdjieff Dances. From 2012 he is facilitator and teacher of several workshops in Ljubljana, Zagreb and Beograd.

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