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After the passing of four seasons the moon has been full for about twelve times, working her magic on the water while revolving around the earth. Moon moves the oceans, the earth makes her way about the sun, a star among other stars amongst an infinite number of galaxies. 

Sweat lodge or Temazcal is a celebration of the earth mother and the universe. 

The heat, the contact with earth underneath and the music of the stones relaxes the cell tissues, providing them with the opportunity to release toxins. The gathering of a group establishes a code, a community, while the sacred darkness of the lodge invites to look inside; it is a work of group and of self.

The ceremony lasts between two or three hours, depending on the conditions. You need to bring water bottle, towel, swimming pants or light cloth. Take care of jewelery that may be too tight, or that may burn the skin by the heat.
In case you have a medical history that you think may be conflicting with this ceremony, such as hearth problems, you should inform the organisers beforehand.


YAHU MAANKIND was born in Belgium and lived in Cuba, Seychelles, Scandinavia and all over the Europe. He is student of Patanjali yoga, Yoruba and plant medicine. Yahu has been building sweat lodges for over 6 years, incorporating different cultures and traditions into the ceremony.

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